The Tabernacle Dwells In You
The Spirit and the Power of God, who Dwells in you.
Enter Into A More Intimate Relationship With God
You must enter into His Holy presence by confessing and desiring to draw closer: in your desire to hear the Word of God by Faith to seek him; growing and to know His Word through prayer, praise, worship.
When Jesus “Arose” he allowed us to come directly to Him by Believing, by faith in God. Jesus arose from death, leaving His human form, tent/human body, behind thus giving you an eternal precious “Gift of His Spirit.”
You are called to serve as His Ambassadors in the Kingdom of God on earth. You have been given the power to carry out His will. Jesus’ Tabernacle, “His meeting place now dwells in you.”
We’re Glad You’re Here.
Zoom Meeting Every Friday!
Guiding Words for Living
Enter Into A More Intimate Relationship With God
You must enter into His Holy presence by confessing and desiring to draw closer: in your desire to hear the Word of God by Faith to seek him; growing and to know His Word through prayer, praise, worship.
When Jesus “Arose” he allowed us to come directly to Him by Believing, by faith in God. Jesus arose from death, leaving His human form, tent human body, behind thus giving you an eternal precious “Gift of His Spirit.”
You are called to serve as His Ambassadors in the Kingdom of God on earth. You have been given the power to carry out His will. Jesus’ Tabernacle, “His meeting place now dwells in you.”

God continues to do great things in our lives. Expect the Increase and the Over Flow of His "Favor, Grace, Anointing , Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Healing, Deliverance, Power and Authority to obtain Resources and Money to bless the Body of Christ and our Families.
Be part of Our Community Group
Spiritual growth, friendship and support.