Merry Christmas to my loving wife and best friend, Jennifer Nelson-Seals, my Sweets, a devoted faithful praying woman of God and to all of our Children, Family, Friends, and Co-Workers of Kingdom Building who are spreading the Gospel of Jesus.

I offer a Special thank you to God, our Lord, and Saviour Jesus Christ because for the first time in over 7 1/2 years I no longer have any pain and nor take any medications for pain. There is power in praying and believing that God answers Prayers.
Sister Jennifer and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I can not thank God enough, so I’m again thanking God for my Sweets, my wife Jennifer Nelson-Seals, our Family and all of you; who prayed believing the Lord God would heal and restore me.
I Am Healed, and Delivered; from the 7 1/2 years of Chronic Pain and off of all the pain medicines and morphine. I must Thank God
Merry Christmas to each of you