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The Greatest Gift The Lord Has Given To Me Is Love

The greatest gift the Lord has given to all mankind is Love, the Love of Christ in our Hearts. It is so great that mankind will never fully understand it. We live in a world society shrouded in the darkness, and the wiles of satan; for the darkness of this world could not comprehend the Light that shines. But Believers have in their hearts the Spirit of the living God, the light of the World. It is a love and a peace that passes all understanding. Mankind will never truly have nor can they understand such peace without repenting and confessing Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. God has place enmity between man and the Grace and love of God through Christ Jesus. Christians have confessed and know that Jesus shed his blood for all, arose on the third day and is now sits on the right hand of God. Remember what 2 Timothy 1:7 says: we have victory: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” You are created in the image of God who knew you before you were formed in the belly of your mother’s womb. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Jesus, Lord and Savior, is the Alpha and the Omega. He knows the beginning and the end of all things.  He knows every hair on your head, and keeps you in the hollow of his hands. He hides you in times of trouble in His “Tabernacle, His Secret Place, which Dwells In YOU. He is also your high tower and a strong fortress, and he raises the standards that the floods cannot destroy your Love for His truth and righteousness.  There will always be trouble in the land, of life’s journey. So keep in mind that you must reverently, diligently and fervently discover God’s Plan and will for your life. He truly has a Plan which is his promise of love, joy, peace and a sound mind. Believers can only receive this peace by keeping faith, humbly walking and believing in the power of his riches and His glory that worketh in you.

Believers in and of Christ know by faith in God’s Word, that no matter the: setbacks, persecutions, rejections, setbacks, doubts or fears, health and financial challenges, and hurdles we face in marriage, child bearing and raising of children, caring for parents, grandparents, extended families and even neighbors, “We/I have the Victory. By Faith speak that which is not as though it is. You have power in you through Christ Jesus and the keys to the Kingdom to bind the devil and the evil works of doubters. It is the will of God that you shall do greater works. The Light and the Power of God has transformed you by the renewing of your mind to trust and obey the leading of the Holy Spirit. He has allowed you to come up out of the valley, over the rough terrains and given you hinds feet in high places. Jesus has prepared a table before you in the presence of your enemies and allows your cup to overflow with abundant blessing. Keep seeking first the kingdom of God and his Righteousness and obey His  Words and commandments that are place in your heart. Allow yourself to know the Shepherds Voice and to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit moving in you. You were made in his image and His Spirit dwells in.  Remain faithful and stay encouraged as you continue to worship the Lord God in Spirit and in Truth.

Believers, you are Stewards of the Kingdom of God and the Lord has revealed his mysteries to you through the Word of God. The Bible, God’s Word, has answers to resolve every situation and has given you a way out of every temptation. It is the Mystery of Christ who dwells in you and in the heart of your Inner Spirit Man. The Lord guides you for He has given you a Helmet of Salvation and a Robe of praise and joy. Let everything that has breath Praise Ye the Lord; worship Him and give God all the Glory, for He is worthy.